Reduce Bounce Rate
Many beginners having just learned SEO at a digital marketing course tend to focus solely on factors such as content and backlinks. These factors are important in the long term success of a blog or website.
When bloggers actually create a blog and start posting content, the word ‘bounce rate’ becomes a very common occurrence. While many digital marketing courses cover this topic, there is still relative confusion in the minds of beginners in the field of blogging and SEO.
By definition, the bounce rate refers to a percentage score of the number of people leaving a website after arriving on it without going to a second page. In other words, if the bounce rate is 50%, it means that out of a hundred website visitors fifty are likely to leave the website without going to another page on the same website.
A high bounce rate is a poor metric from an SEO perspective. This is because it basically conveys to search engines that visitors do not like the content of a given website. Higher bounce rate leads to a fall in search ranking for a blog or website.
In this article, we will suggest three methods used to reduce bounce rate of a blog or website.
Optimize User Experience
User experience is a major reason behind the bounce rate score of a given website or blog. In case the bounce rate is very high, it is likely an incoming visitor did not have a great experience and left without visiting another page.
There are many factors affecting user experience. Given enough leeway, almost any feature of a blog or website can be brought under the domain of user experience.
For the sake of convenience, we’ll focus on two user experience factor- page load speed and mobile optimization.
The page load speed plays a key role in dictating user experience. A website that loads very slowly is highly likely to irritate any incoming visitor and disproportionately skyrocket bounce rate. Optimizing page load speed can be very important to reduce bounce rate.
Mobile-Friendly Interface
A large number of your audience is likely to find you through their respective mobile audience. If a website is not mobile-friendly, it is likely to have an extremely high bounce rate. Most websites across the board have a mobile-oriented interface across the board.
Create Quality Content
As a factor, content can help lift a poor website from all other factors if its quality is beyond reproach. There are many examples of otherwise poor websites being highly trafficked simply because the quality of content is very high.
A website that creates quality content is highly likely to have a low bounce rate simply because readers cannot stop themselves from seeing more content despite obvious faults in the website.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, this article covers three main ways to reduce bounce rate and improve the search visibility of a website or blog.
About the Author – Kishan Soni is a digital marketer and content developmemt professional with five years of experience in the field. His current designation is that of a content writer at Delhi Courses, a reputable training institute is widely known for its digital marketing Training in Delhi which focuses on teaching students crucial practical skills.
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